TopVolume v2.0, the newest version of our hit program. Although the concept is extremely simple (a global volume bar), the popularity is enourmous. TopVolume simply adds a small, global, min/maximizable window to your screen that contains a volume bar. Upon changing the volume bar, the volume of your speakers (hopefully built-in) will be changed from the values of 0 to 7. If you change the volume an alternative way, TopVolume automatically updates itself.
To use TopVolume v2.0, drag it to your extensions folder and restart.
To change your volume, click on the 3D pentagon with 3 lines in the middle of it (note: OS 8+ or Appearance Manager strongly reccomended, otherwise, the volume bar will look like a regular scrollbar), and drag it to your desire. To move the window, click and drag the title bar, or the border around the window (note: OS 8+ or Apperance Manager strongly reccomended, otherwise, you will not be able to move the window from its default location).
To toggle the min/maximize state of the window, click on the blue disclosure triangle.